Public toilet shortage sparks health crisis in Bukomansimbi town

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Public toilet shortage sparks health crisis in Bukomansimbi town
A dilpidated toilet.

There is a growing concern of a health crisis that is looming in Bigasa town in Bukomansimbi over the absence of sanitation facilities, especially public toilets.

Despite being a bustling hub for commerce and community activity, Bigasa lacks sufficient infrastructure to address the basic needs of its populace.

With only one public toilet serving the entire trading centre of  more than 250 people, the strain on its resources has reached critical levels.

This lone facility, already in a dilapidated state, is forced to accommodate not only the general public but also personnel from the police and sub county headquarters.

"It's a dire situation.We worry about the spread of diseases, especially during peak trading hours when the demand for toilet facilities is at its highest," remarks Sam Kimbugwe a resident, echoing the sentiments of many in the area.

The challenges faced by Bigasa's residents are compounded by the constraints faced by the town council.

Leaders cite limited funds as a major hurdle in their efforts to address the sanitation crisis. Despite meagre revenues collected, the cost of constructing a new toilet facility remains prohibitive.

"We understand the urgent need for improved sanitation," acknowledges Henry Kizitto, the LC3 chairperson. "However, our financial constraints limit the options available to us. We're exploring alternative sources of funding, but progress has been slow."

In the absence of immediate solutions, residents are left to contend with the precarious conditions of the existing public toilet.

Many express frustrations over its inadequate maintenance and sanitation standards, which further exacerbate health concerns.

"I dread using the public toilet," shares Eveline Namagga a resident. "The conditions are deplorable, and the risk of contracting illnesses is always looming."

As the debate over sanitation infrastructure continues, the health and safety of Bigasa's residents hang in the balance.

Calls for urgent action resonate throughout the trading centre, with hopes pinned on the town council to prioritize the well-being of its residents.

In the meantime, residents remain vigilant, advocating for improvements to safeguard their health and mitigate the risks posed by inadequate sanitation facilities.

The road ahead may be fraught with challenges, but the resolve to address this pressing issue remains steadfast within the community.

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